Kid's Thanksgiving Crafts Turkey Puppet
Kid's Thanksgiving Crafts Turkey Puppet

Gardening glove
Colored felt
Paint or liquid embroidery (available at craft stores)
Googly eyes
Time needed: Under 1 Hour
1. Use the gardening glove for the bird's body. Cut feathers out of felt (make them a bit wider than the glove fingers) and fringe the edges. Now, glue one to each glove finger.
2. Next, cut a wing shape out of felt and glue it to the palm of the glove. Use paint or liquid embroidery to enhance the plumage.
3. To make the turkey's beak, cut out a pair of small felt triangles and glue them to opposite sides of the thumb tip.
4. For the wattle, cut a 2-inch-long hourglass shape out of red felt. Drape the wattle over the base of the beak and glue it in place. Glue on googly eyes.
5. To use the turkey puppet as a table decoration, stuff newspaper into the glove and roll up the cuff.

Gardening glove
Colored felt
Paint or liquid embroidery (available at craft stores)
Googly eyes
Time needed: Under 1 Hour
1. Use the gardening glove for the bird's body. Cut feathers out of felt (make them a bit wider than the glove fingers) and fringe the edges. Now, glue one to each glove finger.
2. Next, cut a wing shape out of felt and glue it to the palm of the glove. Use paint or liquid embroidery to enhance the plumage.
3. To make the turkey's beak, cut out a pair of small felt triangles and glue them to opposite sides of the thumb tip.
4. For the wattle, cut a 2-inch-long hourglass shape out of red felt. Drape the wattle over the base of the beak and glue it in place. Glue on googly eyes.
5. To use the turkey puppet as a table decoration, stuff newspaper into the glove and roll up the cuff.
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